Aparently their are 2 companys now managing to get some governments to move their street lights over to renewable energy sources like wind and solar powered. One is dutch firm LightWind which went with a odd yet impressive design that basically puts a very large propeller on top of the street lamps. When I say large, the street lamp is 7.5' tall and the propeller is 6.5' in diameter. For those of you that like seeing how much things cost your out of luck because their site lacks all details, though you can apparently contact them for more information.
While LightWind intersts me the size of that propeller and well, the fact it reminds me of willy wonka for some reason, has me leaning towards a different company for my thumbs up on green proofing our street lamps, and it's from China. Duxlite has been apparently lighting up streets in china with a wind/solar hybrid system (solar optional for areas without strong wind). Each streetlamp is basically an independent station like the Lighwind design, but instead of a giant propeller laying ontop, Dixlite opted for a standard 400w wind turbine, with the optional solar addon below.
Personally i'm still trying to understand what exactly everyone is waiting on. Yes i'm sure governements have to deal with the fact that they aren't cheap, but neither is electricity. Especially considering, light poles arent exactly going anywhere, it's like a government office being rented. How much sense would it make if the US goverment was renting the whitehouse from some joe shmoe. Great for joe shmoe, pretty idiotic from governments standpoint. Infrastructure and things like city lighting need to be moved to independent systems. Why should our street lamps suck up electricity from the grid, and rely on the grid at all. Next time theirs a power outage, it wouldnt matter with one of these systems because of the fact they are completely independent of the grids.
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