
Everyone did a great job yesterday. I hope you all are feeling positive about what you have done. If any of you have any feedback in specific areas/generally, about the course, content, teaching, other that you would like to discuss - put it here and we can all respond.


view this on youtube its great fun!




I was wondering if you might consider locating yout throwies to spot in Melbourne, fed square/NGV or something for an occasion. This may influence the form of your design. I was looking at a similar concept for an art opening in Seattle. these were tossed at Hammering Man museum at the Seattle Art Museum for the museum's reopening. How about for the RMIT grad ceremony? as a locating device for your thinking. Would it effect the form of the throwie? would you use the logo? etc etc....
just a thought.



for all you recyclers
This design provides a template for recycling. Quite a lovely idea.


What a Riot

Hey guys. Check out this site for some serious fun

: )


windup lamp

This lantern is said to have a very efficient wind-up mechanism. Apparently, you can get thirty minutes of ambient light from a minute's worth of winding. The light can be placed on a flat surface, or hung up using the recessed loop. You can also charge it via a 12V car socket. Its not a very desirable lamp though... what would you do to it?


Paul and Jessica

This seems interesting:


The theANEMIX is a new lighting system.
They use the uber-efficient OSRAM LED technology to create panels that use dual layers (one luminescent, one reflective) to give off a lovely, bioluminescence-inspired 3D glow.